Pitch correction (of a selection) - Make a selection by holding ( Ctrl + click-n-drag) vertically through any note/s to select them andthen click a note on the Piano roll ruler to the left.For unsnapped re-pitching click the Pitch handle, hold ( Alt)and drag vertically. Pitch correction (single note) - ( Right-click) notes and they will snap to thenearest semitone.Auto-Scroll mode ( A) - The Piano roll will scroll to follow the playback cursor.You can disable this behavior by switching ' Ignore host selection' (right-click the slave button to access). To start Newtone from a point later in the FL Studio project make a selection in the Playlist from the point where you want Newtone to start. The bars in Newtone and the Playlist will also be aligned. Slaved Playback mode ( H) - Playback position will sync to FL Studio's transport controls (make sure FL Studio is in Song Mode).When Vibrato edit is selected the tool shows the vibrato functions including frequency, start and end intensity and vibrato volume. Pitch edit - Allows the note's properties including Pitch,Formant, Volume etc., to be edited. Advanced Edit mode ( Double-click) - There are two advanced edit modes selectedfrom the Edit menu.

Otherwise use ( Shift+ Alt) when not in Cut mode. In Cut mode hold ( Alt) and click on the two slices to be joined. Cut mode - Select and slice notes by clicking on the desired cut location.